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A sexy daddy with a cameltoe.

A:yum look at that sweet ass over there Becky
B:ooh that bitch juicy! Wait till he turns around and shows us that bulge.
A:ugh it would suck if he was a daddina..
B:Andre that’s gross you gay fucker

by Quintondeevee July 13, 2019


Kodys are very kind-hearted souls and very funny.BUT, they are very very shy towards others so it’s hard to tell if they are mad or just shy. They are also very loving and can tell when someone might have feelings for them. If your name is kody, trust you gut because it is definitely right.

Random person: hey kody!
Kody: sup...
(If you are a kody, DONT DO THIS IT SENDS THE WRONG MESSAGE if you have good intentions obvi)

by Quintondeevee July 13, 2019

3👍 1👎