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Don’t Be A Lopez

Define: /dōnt bē ā López/ (N.) A person that was previously held in such high regards when participating in a specific activity or challenge with a group of tight-knit peers that their ego was inflated to a point just shy of developing its own gravitational pull. Over time this results in a lack of care and effort when participating in said activities or challenges which leads to their imminent downfall from the podium within the tight-knit group of peers without their own realization that their low quality contributions are now being mocked or not taken as serious as once was.

That meme is old dude. Don’t be a Lopez.

by Qwest September 30, 2023

Bop Gun

It is an imaginery term/weapon to be shot at the funkless people to fill their heart with funk in order to get them dancing. Invented by Parliament and George Clinton in the 1977 song "Bop Gun (Endangered Species)".

You see a girl you like hit her with the bop gun.

by Qwest April 30, 2008

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