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Orgin: Originally pulled from a Sprite commercial in which the actor stated holding up a cheap imitation soda "It's Jukie!" Also the nickmname of a famous football star Running Back, Julius "Jukie" Jones. Who was known for "juking" his opponents making them miss tackles.

The word is now used as both an adjective and a noun.

As an adjective it refers to anything not of the norm, lame, of bad quality, or cheap. It can be used in place of or combined with any cuss word with good results as well.

As a noun it takes on the form of "Juke" which relates to any person possessing the qualities that imbue the adjective.

Adjective Example:
"The dialog in this movie is really jukie!"
"Get your jukie ass up here now"

Noun Example:
"Shut up and listen to me, you juke!"

by R David Paine III June 3, 2007

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