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1. A bastard tongue which mixes a little bit of everything into one language creating one of the most confusing bits of chaos ever concieved by man.

2. Someone from across the pond who gets their kicks by beating up the Irish.

. . . look around you (assuming you live in an English speaking nation).

by R.Matthews December 5, 2004

71👍 148👎


1. Someone who holds chaos as a virtue.
2. Some idiot suburbanite who bought a black t-shirt with an encircled "A" on it from Hot Topic.

Old Teddy K. for one.

by R.Matthews December 5, 2004

7👍 42👎

Ronald Reagan

If you are on the right, Reagan is God.
If you are on the left, Reagan is Satan.

"Reagan was the greatest president ever, except for Bush." - (R)
"Reagan was the worst president ever, except for Bush." - (D)

by R.Matthews December 5, 2004

4102👍 1751👎


A white boy, usually suburban, who while never setting foot outside of his picturesque, white-picket fenced, SUV packed neighborhood; is somehow convienced that he shares a deep connection with the urban, black poor because he listens to Eminem and wears FUBU despite the fact that he'd be in a bodybag if he ever went near the ghetto.

The term wigger is a combination of "white" and "n-gger", thus wigger, a white-boy who thinks he is black. There are also feminine varieties of the wigger but the male is far more numerous.

See the appaulingly bad movie, "Malibu's Most Wanted" for a depiction of a wigger conversely take a look at "8 Mile" for another example.

by R.Matthews December 5, 2004

37👍 20👎


A person for whom it is currently inconvient, for whatever reason, to stab you in the back.

"This guy's a true friend."
"This guy has yet to fuck me over."

by R.Matthews December 5, 2004

106👍 93👎