I couldn't see anything at the concert cause
I was stuck behind ol' Chumpinstein.
No point in coming out,
the spot just got burly and deep into the "thickets."
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To raise and intensify a sexual act or situation to a higher degree.
Jack used the ol' slap and twist as a sexual enhancement
to increase Jill's orgasm.
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When someone fists their partner
and while the fist is completely in the ass
they slowly open their hand.
(Usually used as a sexual enhancement.)
While Jill was in the final stages of climaxing in her doggystyle position,
Jack was slowly easing in the Ass Lotus and it began to bloom. ;)
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A combination of sexual enhancing moves
usually performed during or just before a climax.
Just before Jill Climaxed, Jack chose the slap and twist as
Jill's sexual fatality.
Bitch slap+Titty Twister= Slap and Twist.
Slap and Twist= a sexual fatality.
Mortal Kombat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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When the girl is about to orgasm from sex you slap her in the face and then twist her nipples.
(usually used as a sexual enhancement.)
Just before Jill climaxed under Jack, Jack enhanced her orgasm with the ol' slap and twist!
I spread open her legs and lapped over
her hooded claw with my tongue.
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