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To achieve your goals going through trial and error without anyone's help

He carried on his way using mezyuke

by RAGGABOOM111 December 2, 2018


To achieve your goals going through trial and error without help from anyone

His mother taught him responsibility now he is mezyuke

by RAGGABOOM111 December 1, 2018


The cutest girl ever, exotic, incredible- words cannot describe her. No other girl can come close to being like her, she is unique, and that is what is loved about her. She has a tendency to be amazingly beautiful in any situation, at any given moment, no matter what. But most importantly of all, and probably the hardest to describe, is she so special. Special to me. And thats what really matters.

where did you get that stash from?

A Chandler .

by RAGGABOOM111 August 18, 2016

2👍 1👎