Source Code

spin doctor

bushfuck and/or his official liar.

"Mission accomplished".
One of the scumbag's greatest lies among many.

by REAL AMERICAN June 1, 2005

17👍 48👎



The legitimate fear that aprents have about the filthy anti-AMERICAN in the white house seeing to it that their children will be spied upon for a draft and sent to the middle east to be murdered for the creep's power, oil & megalomania.
The bext example is the truth about what has happened since the punk stole the white house.

"So many of my friends' sons & daughters have been murdered becayse of this liar that, I have parentnoia about what they about my little toddlers so they can force them into their invented war."

by REAL AMERICAN June 29, 2005

7👍 12👎


The legitimate fear that aprents have about the filthy bastard in the white house seeing to it that their children will be spied upon for a draft and sent to the middle east to be murdered for the creep's power, oil & megalomania.

The bext example is the truth about what has happened since the punk stole the white house.

by REAL AMERICAN June 28, 2005

4👍 11👎

tough crowd

Tough crowd:
What the cannibal said when he went to an all you can eat buffet.

"Damn, I tried and arm and a leg and could hardly chew them.
Tough crowd."

by REAL AMERICAN May 21, 2005

17👍 42👎

New York Minute

A quickie in Central Park

"Let's have a quickie in the woods in the park. It'll only take a minute."

by REAL AMERICAN June 20, 2005

2👍 16👎

school of hard knocks

An institution where drs go to learn how to do breast implanrs.

"Are you qualified to do breast implants?"

"Certainly, I learned at the School of Hard Knocks."

by REAL AMERICAN June 7, 2005

9👍 32👎