Source Code

Dick Suck Crazy

When something extremely unexpected happens, and bystanders cover their mouths with a clenched, balled fist with the thumb side toward the mouth, thus mimicking the motion of grasping the primary male reproductive organ and inserting said organ into ones mouth.
This is usually accompanied by a long, drawn out "Daaaaaaaaaaamn" to further express surprise.

Andrew: Hey Neil, I fucked your mom last night for real. Here, check the pics and vids on my phone.

Jeff: Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn (slowly covering mouth with thumb side of clenched fist)... Neil your mom's a sick bitch!

Neil: Whatever, I've got some of me and Andrew's mom on my phone, see?

Jeff: Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn (slowly covering mouth with thumb side of clenched fist again)...

Andrew: Enough of that Dick Suck Crazy bullshit, learn a new reaction.

by RECLA1M3R October 23, 2011


A street in San Diego which no one wants to live on due to it's akward/challenging spelling.

Jeff: Hey man, I'm on my way. What's your street name again?
Nick: Marianopolis way.
Jeff: Could y-
Nick: M-A-R-I-A-N-O-P-O-L-I-S
Jeff: One more time? I didn't get that.

by RECLA1M3R October 10, 2008

4👍 3👎


Acronym for "Blow Job Machine." Typically associated with a sexually promiscuous female. Additionally, this term is used in the adjective form as a title.

Note: "BJM" may not necessarily be limited to a frequent provider of oral intercourse. It may include vaginal and anal as well.

Example 1: She sucked off 3 men in one night? What a BJM!

Example 2: BJM Candice just hooked up with your younger brother, better get him tested!

by RECLA1M3R September 25, 2010

13👍 4👎