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300 Block Gangsta. Sioux falls street gang that is notorious for eliminating the Trapid City gang, OBG (Original Baby Gangstars)

Trapid City Ex OBGer: Yo g, our hood is dead as f***
Crackid City Ex OBGer: I know right
Trapid City Ex OBGer: What happen bro?
Crackid City Ex OBGer: Them 3BG niggas killed most of us and then exposed that our leader Storm got X'ed out of GD

by REMOVE EYES November 22, 2023

Trapid City

The slums of Rapid City SD where the blacks and natives and others join gangs to slice people up and shoot each other. and sometimes, on occasion, they teach their dogs to kill-on-command (res dog)

Person 1: Wanna go to Rapid City and see the black hills?
Person 2: Hell no nigga we not going to Trapid City my grandma went there and got mauled by puppies!

by REMOVE EYES November 22, 2023


On my hood

guy 1: my dog is dead
guy 2: cap
guy 1: omh
guy 2: damn

by REMOVE EYES December 1, 2023


On my hood

guy 1: my dog is dead
guy 2: cap
guy 1: omh
guy 2: damn

by REMOVE EYES December 1, 2023

Crackid City

Another name for Rapid City SD a city where 99.9 percent of the population is on crack, meth and fake percs (blues)

I want to move to crackid city because there is not enough meth around in Baltimore

by REMOVE EYES November 22, 2023

X'ed out

Kicked out of gang

Trapid City Ex OBGer: You heard about Storm?
Crackid City Ex OBGer: Yeah he fake! He got X'ed out of gd and tryed to hide it by making OBG
Trapid City Ex OBGer: Damn f*** that nigga! Guess we better join 3BG now

by REMOVE EYES November 22, 2023