Source Code

pok gai

chinese for bastard.
(direct translation "trip on street")

by RICKY September 10, 2003

212πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž


A bit like shit, but you wouldn't go and have a Chisney. There can also be good chisney and thats kinda like good stuff. Straight from the streets of London and Sheffield

Just a load of Chisney


Thats some good Chisney

by RICKY November 12, 2003

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The ability to bake delicious cookies using magic.

He's fantastic. I hope some of his hooziness will rub off on me.

by RICKY February 28, 2004

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Chicken Room

A word meaning the penthouse of a building that has a rotating room at the top of it.

Yeah we had a few drinks in the chicken room. Eveything was spinning...haha.

by RICKY March 16, 2005

4πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

hot pockets

1. The most delicious form of evil. It tastes, looks, and smells good, but you practicly die of burns when you take a bite if you don't wait 5 minutes.

-What happened to your face?! Its all...charred!
-I had hot pockets last night.

by RICKY February 28, 2004

975πŸ‘ 363πŸ‘Ž


The act of getting sexual pleasure.

"Hey Tim, you see that girl to your left?
I got gummy from her last yer."

by RICKY January 16, 2004

15πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


I wasn't gonna run from the cops, but I was high....I was gonna pull right over and stop, but I was high....now I'm a paraplegic and I know why! cause I got high cause I got high, because I got hiiiiiiiieeegh

by RICKY June 20, 2003

297πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž