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Big headed and nerdy kid who tends to piss everyone off with his ignorant comments. (troll)

Bob: Go back to your damn cage! :@

by ROBERT April 6, 2004

51πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

abercrombie and fitch

A very fashionable store that sells like really nice cloths. Often critisized by poor ass bums who can not afford it or by people who decided they do not like it because their poor ass bum friend cannot afford it. Abercrombies store employes are also said to be all white and all of the people on the posters are said to be all white but that is not always true and the company must appeal to the people who buy it and more than 99.99% of them are white so everyone who has something to say about the store should like totally shut the fuck up.

A&F Person 1: OMG i Went to abercrombie and fitch and bought some really nice jeans a polo a jacket and flip flops for only $300!
A%F Person 2: That is like so cheap were they on clearance!
A&F Person 1: No I think there was a mistake when they charged me maybe I was only charged for one flip flop only!
A&F Person 2: But that is like really cheap for a flip flop. I paid about $1000 for a flip flop at some other store.
A&F Person 1:What were we talking about?

by ROBERT April 10, 2005

33πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

panty wars

When you take a girls underwear drawer and throw all her panties around the room, thus looking like a war has taken place.

That fucking cock had panty wars in my room my underwear is all over the damn place.

by ROBERT October 3, 2003

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A person who works too hard, even when they are meant to be on vacation.

Elizabeth Owens

by ROBERT January 19, 2004

184πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


An individual who is Frugal to the extreme.

That guy wanted a doggy bag for his ice-cream dessert, what a CheapBastid!

by ROBERT November 4, 2003

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Another meaning for a really hot girl who fits all of the right criteria.

Clare is such a GAGAGA girl

by ROBERT April 21, 2005

26πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A blow or punch. A hit. Being embarassed or shown up.

Oh man, I just tunked him in the face.
You got tunked when his girl slapped you.

by ROBERT January 16, 2004

7πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž