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1. A sac (bag) of any kind. Could be a backpack, a purse, a plastic bag, a bag for testicles, or any kind of bag/device that holds stuff. See example #1.

2. Loosely used to describe anything. Also used as a suffix for one's name by a small, cultish group of linguists residing in the nation's capital. See example #2.

3. Inserted innocuously into sentences as a substitute for words rhyming with it. See example #3.

1. "Did you hurt your sac?" "I sho' did!"

2. "How's your sac?"

3. "I'll be right sac."

by RR & TO, Linguistic Innovators February 25, 2008

22👍 20👎


1. The new 'sac.' Used by a cultish group of DC-area linguists to supplement (some whisper "replace") the old mainstay: "sac."

2. An actual ham. Used in a derogatory fashion, as many of the group's core membership are vegetarians.

3. Stacy.

4. A greeting or salutation.

"How's your ham?"
"Just fine. How's your sac?"

by RR & TO, Linguistic Innovators February 25, 2008

4👍 13👎


A derivation of "ham-fisted," an adjective meaning "clumsy," "heavy-handed," or "indelicate."

1. To thoroughly dominate, humiliate, or destroy. See example #1.

2. A literal "hamfist." When one wraps his own fist in ham. Fisting a human with a hamfist is optional but the implication is always there.

1. "Wow, the Patriots hamfisted the entire NFL until they lost to the Giants."

"Sit down and pick up a controller. Are you ready to get hamfisted?"

by RR & TO, Linguistic Innovators February 25, 2008

40👍 45👎


1. Milk mixed with piss prior to homogenization/pasteurization.

2. Slang/derogatory term for non-homogenized milk (original usage)

"What's more disgusting than pissmilk?"

"Uh...maybe shitmilk for starters?"

by RR & TO, Linguistic Innovators February 25, 2008

5👍 4👎