You can't take sick leave unless you show up for work, but if you show up for work you're not sick? TISBS!
An electrical device used to maintain interpersonal space during a pandemic.
Linda was forced to use her sanitaser on the obstreperous maskless would-be suitor.
Oh Come The Fuck On! An expression of incredulity/outrage at an inanity/injustice.
You took the girl out of school in handcuffs because of a botched science experiment?? OCTFO!
Oh Dear Sweet Jesus -- an expression of horror, incredulity or exasperation in anticipation of a bad outcome.
That Black Private punched a White Lieutenant in a train station in 1942? In the Jim Crow south?? ODSJ!
Contracting COVID-19 for the first time. Popping one's COVID cherry.
The super spreader event performed my chymenectomy and a slew of other chymenectomies
Shorthand for "wake the fuck up."
If you think fascism is dead and gone, you better WTFU!