Megamind is a 2010 Animated Superhero Comedy Film produced by DreamWorks Animation. The film tells the story of Megamind, a highly intelligent alien supervillain who becomes depressed after defeating his nemesis Metro Man. He creates a new superhero from Metro Man's DNA, but must become a hero himself when the new "hero" becomes an even worse villain than he ever was.
Megamind! Incredibly handsome, criminal genius and master of all villainy.
A robot that classifies herself as a female and usually has a feminine appearance. Not all feminine robots are fembots.
Fembot comes from the words 'Female Autobot' but it is also used by the Decepticons
Shockwave thought fembots were extinct since he hasn't been outside in 4 million years.
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Spamton, full name Spamton G. Spamton, is an antagonist in Chapter 2 of Deltarune.
Spamton appears as a diminutive robotic ventriloquist's dummy that wears yellow and pink glasses that sometimes changes colors and a long-sleeved black V-neck shirt, with black hair that is slicked back.
After his battle, he appears as a shopkeeper in the Trash Zone.
Spamton NEO is his upgraded form, which serves as a bonus boss on a normal route and the final boss of the Chapter 2 Snowgrave Route.
A mini Spamton. Heals the player when the F1 key is pressed during any Spamton battle.
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