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A young man who is very obviously a homosexual but has not yet realized it. Usually used by itself as an exclamation.

If a young man is in musical theatre and very flamboyant, yet greatly defends his heterosexuality, you aside to your friend "Flambang!"

by RaCHeL August 16, 2004

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

baller shot caller

a thug like baller man, who plays b ball like a shot caller

Such as David Sumney the baller of all shot callers

by RaCHeL May 14, 2004

31πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž


Abreviation for crazy that cool people use!.

"Dude..thats 'razy!"

by RaCHeL September 2, 2004

6πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Tayshaun Prince

Small Forward for the Detroit Pistons. VERY cute and is well known for his big block against Reggie Miller's ALMOST tying layup, giving possession to Detroit to win the game. Also known as Tay. Kind of skinny, 6`9 and 215 lbs. Has a wingspan of 7`2. Was put to defend against Kobe in the 2004 Finals. Currently resides in Rochester.

IS that Tayshaun Prince? DAYUM! He's fine!

Tayshaun's blocks leave the other teams speechless.

by RaCHeL June 19, 2004

99πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


Something girls feel when they have dranken too much and something guys fear.

I rolled off Rachel and then came the endless phone calls and i love yous

by RaCHeL February 25, 2005

5πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


He is the best boyfriend you will ever have he's sweet kind and cute and is super silly but he treats his girlfriends right and loves them every much and will never look at another girl while dating you he's super handsome and no one will replace him he likes girls with brown and hair and that is super funny and sweet he likes the girls with dog names like Lucy Sophie Nicole Bella ect you should never leave him bc he's the best and so handsome watch out for the Christian's they will make you fall in love with them super quick and you can't get enough

That boy is so Christian

by RaCHeL June 27, 2018


the annoying way to spell Rachel

Examples also include Rachael and Rachal

by RaCHeL February 2, 2004

521πŸ‘ 525πŸ‘Ž