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ben harvey from K-rock radio in new york 92.3, bam margera or anyother hotter than mutherfuckin hell guy you see for other uses of the word on the oppiste sex see sexy bitch

Ben, ur such a sexybeast! have u consitered doin some modeling?

by Rachel March 24, 2004

17πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


a town full of people who hang out behind the burger king and smoke the weed typically rich kids who are all emo and slit there wrist and cry about nothing and have a myspace

that kid is drinking cheap ass beer he's so not closter

by Rachel April 8, 2005

69πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


One of great cynicism and wisdom

Gerg's prophecies:
1. People Shit Me
3. Just Leave Me The Fuck Alone
4. Bring back Hunters
5. The Truth Hurts

by Rachel February 22, 2003

32πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


a term used to describe sex when a girl is trying to have sex with a fat man, but is getting crushed under his weight; therefore making the girl a pancake.

After Bob and I fookoojaked, I couldnt walk.

by Rachel April 1, 2005

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

justin timberlake

1-A person who can't understand the meaning of the words..shut the fuck up!!
2-A person who fooled me into thinking he was cool...I see the light now... and I want my 15 bucks back.
3-A person who can't hide his obbession with ripping off female clothing

1-Like I love you, Rock your body, Cry me a river, etc
2-getting too much fucking play on BET, you don't see Snoop on CMT do you?
3-Hasn't he ripped open enough shirts in his days...damn!

by Rachel February 21, 2004

149πŸ‘ 794πŸ‘Ž


One who rejects the suggestion to get a fucking life.

Kate asked, "What does militode mean, Rach?" Rachel replied, "Brett."

by Rachel November 26, 2003


big dave

big daves a "ledgend"

by Rachel September 18, 2003

66πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž