Source Code

isiah marvin ang

A person who loves shortening words,
lol = laugh out loud,
brb = be right back,

But now he has been using words and doesn't really care if it becomes shorter or longer, as long as he spelled them incorrectly. Anything that came be done to be grammatically incorrect will be done.
1)"g"s at the end of a word are often dropped.
2)"s"s are are often replaced with "z"s.
3)Randomly, "0"s replace "o"s,
"3"s replace "e"s and
"1"s replace "l"s.

azn azian azen - asain
flip - philipino
pinoy pnoy - philipino boy
pinay pinai pnay pnai - philipino girl
vt gook viet vi3t - vietnamese
chink - chinese
jap - japanese
ish - is
dey - they
der dur - they're
hurr - here
n - and
ane - an
wut wat whu - what
dis - this
itz - it's
da - the
dat - that
swt swe3t - sweet
mi meh meeh me3h - me
imma ima - im going to
lil - little
iono i dunno - i don't know
knoe - know
boi boiz bois - boy/boys
guh gurl gurlz gurls - girl/girls
gurly gurlie - girly
mai mah - my
kute kyoot - cute
bak bac bacc - back
fo fer - for
realz - real
ame12ica - america
kali4nia - california
balla - baller - basketball player
ladie ladee - lady
xtasy - estasy
shiet shiit - shit
aiight - all right
tiite tiight - tight
onlee onl3e - only
wer - we are
r - are
u yooh yoh chu - you
blu blu3 bloo - blue
bootay bootie booty - ass
sexxie sex-e sesie - sexy
babie babee - baby
2 - to/too
dayum - damn
thnx thx thanx thankiez - thanks
fione - fine
deng - dang
nothin bein etc. - nothin being etc.
peas peac pe3ce - peace
mis miz mizz - miss
sho12ty shortie - shorty
holla - holler
kinki3 kinkee - kinky
dorkie - dorky
shai - shy

"what a moronic child"

by Racist February 17, 2005

54👍 18👎


Expressing that one race is superior over another. Commonly used by African people and white people because they think it it a problem.

You fucking racist

by Racist January 14, 2018

1👍 6👎