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radio maryja

A radio station in Poland for fucked up old catholic ladies, prayin' all day long.
They hate jews, germans and masons.
The boss of this evil (but legal) organization is Father Rydzyk and since 1992 he collected 2 million $ for his own.
His car is a maybach.

"Ojciec Dyrektor jest moim idolem."
"To wszystko przez zydow i masonow."
"Kwasniewski jest zydowskim agentem."

by Radas January 15, 2005

57👍 31👎

cos fajnego w internecie

In simple translation something cool in the internet. There is no such thing like cos fajnego w internecie it's a myth.

A: -Znalazlem cos fajnego w internecie.
B: -Chyba cos ci sie pojebalo.

by Radas January 16, 2005

22👍 14👎


A boss of antisemistic organisation in Poland. The most evil guy in a whole universe (just after Lord Vader)

"Trzy slowa do ojca prowadzacego: CHUJ CI W DUPE"

by Radas January 15, 2005

53👍 59👎


Kind of looser that was once my school mate.
Bold and ugly.
Also known as "rosomak" - that can be translated as a "wolverine" in a little ironic way.

You are almost as ugly as Wanio!

by Radas January 15, 2005

29👍 19👎


Polish superhero from early 80's. Fighting crime and pickin chicks all the time.

"...siemasz borewicz idziemy do maksyma na dziwki..."
"...nosz do chuja waclawa polskiego w szkole nie mialas?"
"nic nie poruchalem w tym odcinku"

by Radas January 15, 2005

22👍 6👎