Source Code


A miscalculation or incorrect analysis in a chess problem

When Fine's openings Bible was plugged into Fritz 8 many cooks were discovered as few as 3 folds deep.

by Rahul Yukich February 12, 2006

10👍 27👎


An addicting Yahoo! game in the same vein as Tetris in which players manage their stack of colored blocks by making rows and simultaneously undermining their opponents structure.

Mom: Your dinner is getting cold!
Me: Hold on i have to finish this Towers game!

by Rahul Yukich February 12, 2006

12👍 15👎


Muscle group in the legs composed of 4 different muscles. Look best when striated and HUGE (30+ inches)

Tom Platz's quads don't quite belong on a human...

by Rahul Yukich February 12, 2006

117👍 46👎


The atrophying of muscle as opposed to anabolism

Pounding beers then going to Mickey D's last night till 5 in the morning is the definition of catabolism

by Rahul Yukich February 12, 2006

6👍 8👎