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The Thought That Counts

"The Thought That Counts" is the idea behind positive thinking, if your not thinking positively maybe you shouldn't be thinking at all. Far more than the idea that you need an excuse that your lame gift is enough "The Thought That Counts" is the mind set behind Manifesting your dreams. Self Health Maryland is promoting P.M.A. Positive Mental Attitude as "The Thought That Counts". Through the Education of Mindful Meditation, Sound Therapy, and Common Sense We are Questing for Positive Peopling to become a norm. Don't get lost finding us, Join The Self Health Club today and begin your journey to better living. Raising Grace Research is hopefully encouraging people to make the decision to get through or work harder on the things that make a difference like family connection, world service and healthy lifestyles. Join there Positive Messaging Association and start Putting the Good Word on the street today!

I was always feeling down about myself and life, until I realize using my positive mental attitude was the real "thought that counts" and now I have been Better and Better at every day living.
I was walking into the nursing home to see mom, and realized I had left the flowers home. It was then I realized "The Thought That Counts" is positively that I'm here and not That I forgot the flowers.

by Raising Grace July 15, 2022


The feeling of getting good done right. Knowing the things you are doing are beneficial to you and your environment. The sureness of positive reaction to your positive actions. The Manifested Super powers you gain through intentional positive thought.
The Raising Grace Research is Promoting the Elevation of Human Standards and how we treat each other. It all begin with how we treat ourselves and how we handle the way others treat us. By understanding their is a civil solution to everything we will find more ways to handle difficult situations. Join Self Health Maryland and Concierge Mon Frere as they allure the world in positive actions to its more meaningful , mindful and caring future. Look for The Raising Grace Community's Simple Living Initiative and find out how you can make a difference in your community.

After a good morning full of good deeds I feel affirmighty about the rest of my day.
I was graced by the feeling of affirmighty once my family was safe from the storm.
Overtaken by affirmighty , once the first two Senior Reeds visits where over I decided to see two more.

by Raising Grace July 15, 2022


n. All Things Good
A Hello Good Life

Honest Positive & Kind
A Driving Force of Positive Ripple
The Thought That Counts
The Know You Can

Its Nice , The true test of Kindness

v. To have full Respect for Yourself and Others.

To Have the Ability to show You Care.
To Be understanding and live in Gratitude.
To believe in yourself in full Confidence and have the Perseverance to strive in Prosperity.
To be understanding and acceptable of the fact that we all have our rights to individual feelings and beliefs.
To Love with all your Heart and Soul.
To Use impeccable Speech.
To focus on the Presents of Time.
To alleviate the hate , put down the fight . Its ok we don't always have to be right

( whether your fighting for love or hate , you are still fighting. Only fight for your life.
AholaalohA is a True Symbol Of Honor .
AholaalohA is a Fund Raising, Outreach , Research, Awareness Project Created by The Raising Grace Community to Break the Stigma of indifference, Promote Civic Encourage, and Encourage the Worlds People .
Our Gift to the World in these trying times.
Honestly Positively Kind

AholaalohA is the Life for Me.
I & I , Live Laugh Love , PMA

Good Things Are Coming.
AholaalohA is Your Opportunity to be the Best You Can.

by Raising Grace November 29, 2019

Raising Grace

v. To take the littlest good things as far as they will go and instill them to the next good thing .
To show your ability to Care and use your Will to do something about it .
To do nice things just to be nice in hopes others will follow suit.

To give with all your heart with no expectation of anything in return.
To be Respectful , Courteous and Polite to all you encounter, in hopes they do the same to others.

To try to produce positive action in hopes of positive reaction.
The Raising Grace Community was created to promote Positivity and Kindness with a mission to build Healthier Happier Communities World Wide, through Random Acts of Kindness, Recognition of Community participation by showing Appreciation with Celebration.

by creating Healthy habits , and Quality Good Times we hope to bring communities closer to their full potential and prevent poor health issues and addictions before they begin.
Starting with a bag lunch program for the hungry, respect checks for the elderly and park time mentors for the youth in need of role models , we aim to make a difference. Be Kind and Positive

Ahola'alohA , Your welcoming to A Hello Good Life!
Self Health, Showing Your ability to take care of yourself , so maybe others will follow your good example.
We hope you join our efforts of bringing Joy to the world through the true wild and free gift of life that has been given to each and every one of us.
Be Unique don't Critique

I & I , Live Love Laugh , PMA

I was Raising Grace on a daily base , Grateful was the case they gave me.
The gentleman was handing out free water on a hot day , just to raise the grace they say.
Through all the pains in the World , I am Raising Grace today for You
Raising Grace To give or share with someone just in hopes of brightening there day.
#YouToo can make a difference, Raising Grace.

by Raising Grace December 9, 2019

Positive Reflections

Positive Reflections is the reflection of positivity that you can bring from any situation. Many things in life are trivial and without the knowledge that there is positivity in everything you could look right past it. With a positive thinking process template at hand you can see the signs of distraction, negativity, and or confusion to make the positive decision that makes the most sense in your situation. Raising Grace Research and Self Health Maryland are developing resources to build better habits in everyday living. Let us be apart of your encouragement towards better living.

Through Positive Reflections I found the best way to get things done right and not rushed.
The day had gone a rye everything was up in the air and all I could do was put Positive Reflections towards it to get through the day.

by Raising Grace July 17, 2022


n. The Art of Caring for ones self , through Positive Mental Attitude, "The Thought That Counts" and "The Know You Can".
To be Courageously vulnerable and seek help if needed . It is to easy to get stuck in a vortex of negativity , lets find whats right for You. For it is only We who can Help Ourselves. Self Health is Your opportunity to choose Happiness, by instilling Positivity, Kindness, Good exercise, Diet and Thoughtful thinking into your life. You can do it, Yes You can, be the Best you can today, It all starts with you.

No Really, Help Yourself . Cope for Hope , Patience ,and Perseverance are Key, Right behind Self Love, Self Gratitude, Self Respect, and Self Ability.
Self Health is a Outreach & Awareness program Developed by The Raising Grace Community in efforts to build Happier Healthier Communities by Promoting Positivity and Kindness through Good Neighboring, and giving Recognition for Participation by showing Appreciation through Selfless Celebrations in Communities
In Hopes of bringing the full potential to Communities World Wide
Ahola'alohA your welcoming to "A Hello Good Life"
We hope Everyone enjoys and jumps on board. Thanks for your time

Times were at a all time low , before i started putting Self Health into my Daily routine .
Self Health really brought me back to life after i found myself struggling with addiction and depression .

by Raising Grace December 9, 2019