'Smart' plus 'Witty': Displaying or described by fast and creative verbal and written humour.
A: Do you know what 'smartty' means?
B: Nope.
A: It's a word created by Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, dramatist, actor, director, and researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh. He used it in his poetenry or poem of ten lines titled, "Smartty".
B: That's so innovative!
A: Yap!
Haqueian is an adjective. It relates to or has the characteristics of Md. Ziaul Haque or his writings.
A: What kind of poem have you just written?
B: Well, it is a Haqueian poem!
A: What is 'Haqueian'?
B: Haqueian means a particular type of creative and literary writing that is related to or has the characteristics of Md. Ziaul Haque (a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, dramatist, actor, director and researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh) or his writings.
Haqueian is a noun. It means an expert on or student of Md. Ziaul Haque's writings.
Many Haqueians have reviewed the film.
Haqueian is an adjective. Relating to or characteristic of Md. Ziaul Haque or his works.
A: Your writing style is looks Haqueian to me!
B: O yes! I follow the writing style of Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, actor, researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Deathreaten is a verb. It means the threat of death against someone; it also means to tell someone or others that you will murder them.
A: My son John told me yesterday that you deathreatened him!
B: Yes, it is true.
A: How dare you deathreaten my son, John?
B: Actually, I was so angry at that time. It was my mistake.
A: If you deathreaten him again then I will inform the police.
B: I am so sorry. I promise that I will never deathreaten your son again.
To utter dethreat Death + Threat; threat of death against someone; state one's intention to murder someone; to tell someone or others that you will murder them.
A: Stop dethreatening my brother or else I will inform the police.
B: I am sorry. I will never dethreaten him.
King of Words is the pen name or pseudonym of Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, dramatist, actor, director and researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh.
A: I liked Md. Ziaul Haque's pen name a lot!
B: What is his pen name?
A: Well, it is 'King of Words'! Is it not exceptional and beautiful?
B: O yes! It is really a very nice pen name to have!