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Alexandre is always an athletic man, he usually practices masculine, physical and tactical sports, genuinely martial arts or team contact sports. He is equally intelligent as kind. He always devotes his time to those he sees are worth it. He will never give up on you when you truly need him. Most of all his is loyal and will never loose a friend he has without purpose. Alexandre’s are genuinely shy around girls yet confident and fairly popular in a community. He genuinely has a taster for fit brunettes. Alexandre’s have a very unorthodox way of approaching physical situations especially in physical encounters and situations. He will only choose the best option that benefits him and his allies. Alexandre’s will always protect thier family and friends not hesitating to place thier lives at risk to do so. Alexandre’s are genuinely tall and athletic and incredibly strong. They are generally black or browned haired. Never risk your relationship with an Alexandre because his memory is as solid as steel. But he will always forgive you if he sees fit. And will always do so if it is something petty. Alexandre’s are genuinely wealthy and live a great and long life.

Eliz:”that Alexandre dude is really fit”

by Ralph Baker-Ronin July 28, 2019

44👍 7👎