Compact Disc
A data storage device invented in the early 1980's, it could hold up to about 650 megabytes of data, which is nothing compared to DVD's which could hold up to 4.7 gigabytes of data
I burned all of my family pictures onto a CD
Remember kids, don't eat ass in the halls, or else you'll end up like me
16👍 2👎
What you text to someone when you want to eat their dick
Unless theyre a girl
Girl on text message: Heyyy :)
Guy: wait what
10👍 1👎
A typo, when you meant to type "sec"
Guy1: hello
guy2: hi can u invite me to your discord server
guy1: ok gimme a sex
guy2: ok UwU
Given to those who are confirmed a normie, once you possess it,.you can proudly say with confidence that you are a normie
Hey I got this sweet normie badge heheheha