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A gathering of sorts in which useful ideas are proposed, debated, debated some more, revised to please some moronic babbling baboons whose only goal in life is to make yours miserable, revised a final time, voted upon, and usually rejected. Also synonymous with "Animal Farm", "Yellow pages" (some brilliant jackass found a way to waste time and reveal the phone numbers and addresses of several hundred Americans), and rarely, "Progress". Current place of residence is in two buildings, one of which strikingly resembles a single female breast.

Person 1: "Yo man, you seem them Reps battle it out in Congress last night? That shit was teh SHIT! I mean, when the dude from Connecticut pulled out the chainsaw, I was all, 'YEAH!!! F-ing A! GO AMERICA! LIBERTY OR FUCKING DEATH, BITCH!'."

Person 2: "You SO belong in Congress, dude."

by Random Person 7 August 2, 2009

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