I zxcvabsndmfqgwhejrktlyuioped my keyboard
You are SO FREAKING BORED you type qsxwdcefvrgbthnyjmukilop AND SPARE THE REST OF THE LETTERS AT THE END! az
How the hell did you find this? You must be bored to death.
I'm so bored I just wanna qeryuipasdghjklxcvbnmwtofz on my keyboard.
Basically qpalzwoskxmeidjcnrufhvbtyg or qpazwoslxeidkcrufjvmtyghbn on the AZERTY keyboard.
qpalzwoskxmeidjcnrufhvbtyg qpazwoslxeidkcrufjvmtyghbn apqmwzoslxeidkcrufjvtyghbn
Qeadzcwrsfxvtugjbmyihknolp is something you type when you are very bored.
How did no one come up with this in 2024? It's similar to qzawxsecdrvftbgynhumjikolp, but instead, it goes a slightly different way.
Qzawxsecdrvftbgynhumjikolp? No. Qwaezsrxdtcfyvgubhinjomkpl!
When someone has been fruckered, they have been frucked as a frucker.
Fruck you you fruckered biotch.