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A greedy attention whore who also talks too much without actually saying anything worthwhile, eats too much, does stupid shit for no apparent reason, steals and picks fights, runs away or deflects when caught in a bad act, and then gets depressed when they're not getting positive feedback for their negative actions. Basically, a typical neurotic narcissist with self esteem issues who then acts like a bully or just plain asshole to feel better about themselves.

My cat is such a Trump. He steals his sister's food, picks fights with his brother, never shuts up, eats everything in sight & then pukes it back up, tries to lick his siblings' butts when they're cuddling me so they'll run away and he can get all the attention, and then he whines like crazy if I shove him away or runs and hides when I catch him trying to steal human food or beating up his little sister. If I didn't love the crazy little house lion, I'd impeach the furry asshole to a no-kill shelter.

by RandomSJW-&ProudOfIt June 23, 2018

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