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Abcde is a name that is not very common. That goes for their personality as well. They are such loyal friends and will make you laugh to their best ability.

"Abcde is the most amazing friend I have ever had! She is not fake like some people!,"

by Random_Potatoe August 2, 2018

15👍 145👎


Ummi means Mother in Arabic. That goes for their personality as well. They give off such mother-like vibes when you hang out with them. They are the type of people to listen to your problems, give the best advice and are your crying shoulder when you need them to be. They are also really protective and treat you like "her children". By that I mean you could be best friends but still feel like she is a mom at the same time.

"Ummi, I need your help on something...MY BOYFRIEND CHEATED ON ME, "

"Calm down first, are you sure? You cannot jump to conclusions but if he did, You deserve a way better man and there are plenty of fish in the sea. You are gonna find your true love soon."

by Random_Potatoe September 17, 2018

33👍 3👎