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Date Rape

Sleeping with a girl who is intoxicated(Because it's easier that way) Many get them drunk with "wine coolers" but any alcoholic beverage works too.

How to get in a girls pants: Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker

by Randy Goldman April 10, 2005

70👍 190👎


One of the most important things in music. Rhythm is strongly connected to humans(i.e. the heart!) Early music started with drums and a beat. Rhythm is so basic yet key to music. All popular music has some kind of rhythm. Rhythm, it's in you!

This song is missing something.

It needs cowbell, a great source of rhythm

by Randy Goldman April 4, 2005

137👍 32👎


Latino version of "Dude"

-What up ese?

-You calling me a term paper?

by Randy Goldman April 2, 2005

118👍 118👎