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One Ply

Toilet paper which is just one sheet thick. This toilet paper is discounted and should be used at your own risk. Your fingers will frequently go through the toilet paper creating a mess that would not occur if you were not so stingy as to buy one ply in the first place.

Guy 1: Fuck, u smell like shit. What happened to you?
Guy 2: I'm low on money this week, i've been using one ply.

by Ranga O_o December 13, 2009

127πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Windows Experience Index

W.E.I is a microsoft tool which rates your computers processor, memory, graphics, gaming graphics, and primary hard disk. The W.E.I gives you a number which is meant to give you an idea of what software you should get for your PC. It also gives you ideas of what you should upgrade to increase performance.

Guy 1: Dude, i'm gonna buy Microsoft Flight Simulator
Guy 2: You fucking noob, flight sim recommends a windows experience index of 5. your computer only rates 3.5. its gonna run like shit.

by Ranga O_o December 13, 2009

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


an acronym standing for Fuck My Fucking Shit Life. It is to be used in situations when Fuck My Life (FML) is not deemed severe enough.

Paige: You know she has a really hairy belly?
Ethan: Eww! FMFSL! No more wanking over her.

by Ranga O_o December 15, 2009

Third Umpire

Cricket: Used when the on-field umpire is unsure of a decision regarding run-outs, stumpings, and the legality of catches. However, they now use it as a cop-out as they are too pussy to make decisions. The third umpire plays part in the umpire decision referral system.

A batsmen is clearly run out.
Tired umpire calls for third umpire so he gets a break.

by Ranga O_o December 16, 2009

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

MSN Addict

Someone who will spend all time they have access to a computer on MSN. When MSN is not available they will be lost, and not have anything to do.

*guy breaks down in tears* MSN FAILED! - if that happens to you, you are an MSN ADDICT!

by Ranga O_o December 13, 2009

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A much more technical version of urban dictionary which u can actually reference on assignemnts. It is the saviour to high school students around the world.

Guy 1: Fuck, i have a research assignment on nuclear fission due in tmoz, and i havent even started!

Guy 2: No sweat, just wikipedia that shit.

by Ranga O_o December 13, 2009

6πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


'Howzat' is an appeal in cricket. Before a batsmen is given out, technically at least one person in the fieliding team must appeal. After an appeal the umpire will give a decision as to whether a batsmen is out, or go to the third umpire if he is unsure on 'line' decisions - namely run-outs, stumpings, and whether a catch is legitimate.

*batsmen nicks the ball to the wicket-keeper*
bowler, keeper and close-in fielders: HOWZAT
*umpire raises finger* - signifying the batsmen is out.

by Ranga O_o December 15, 2009

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