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Winkie Toes

Some one who happens to have toes ,or a toe, shaped like a penis, or a 'Winkie'. The toe(s) is often longer than 'normal' toes and the pad of the toe is thicker than usual.

I was disgusted at the sight of my friends feet when I saw his Winkie Toes. I tried not to laugh, but it was too difficult to see a man with little penises growing off of his feet.

by Ransom Saito August 15, 2009

8👍 2👎


A Feminazi is a woman who refuses to dress like a woman and hates any woman who does. She has a pointless grudge against all men, and women who take care of themselves, and claims to be straight. A Feminazi is also a generally larger, or flat chested, woman who has made up an excuse as to why she can not get a date. Her excuse? Men suck, and to their defense, some do, but not all of them. They are too lazy, and usually too cranky, to try and lose the weight or fix their face. They'd rather stick to wearing loose white t-shirts , denim jackets, with dirty jeans and combat boots.

Every time the detention teacher looks at me she gives me this nasty ass look. Because I wear make up, have boobs and comb my hair. I had an extra hour of detention because she is a Feminazi and can't comb her hair or dress herself.

by Ransom Saito August 15, 2009

88👍 189👎