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A #slepty #microburst associated to the moment after an orgasm or a short trip on #ecstacy #XTC.

"My girlfriend and I had some mind-blowing make-up sex that sent me straight to sleptacy." "She couldn't understand the #microburst and said we should remain apart."

by RashidBah December 28, 2019


A word or deed that is sure to spark an #argument between two or more people .

1. "The customer was rude and called me lazy but I skipped past the argubait. I got bills to pay."
2. "Leaving the seat up was sure argubait. But Sally started to leave the cap off the paste so Harry did the needful at every sitting and session at the WC".

by RashidBah December 16, 2019

Mini power nap

Feeling refreshed or charged after closing eyes for 1 to 10 minutes. Over 10 minutes becomes a full nap. Some have even associated "visions" or "dreams" during a mini power nap.

1. I swear bro, everything became clearer to me in macro economics class after a mini power nap. Ever took one?
2. You can tell from the doodle on the page that s/he took a mini power nap during class/board meeting/church.

by RashidBah December 31, 2020