Source Code

Will Ferrell

Along with Steve Carell is one of the stupidest humans in Hollywood, no wait, THE WORLD!

Will Ferrell + Steve Carell ҉€ Peter Griffin

by Raw Doggy July 27, 2010

91πŸ‘ 424πŸ‘Ž

Baby Bear

Elmo's homie on Sesame Street.

Elmo tries to hook up Baby Bear with Maria but she is just way out of Baby Bear's league... for now

by Raw Doggy April 5, 2010

88πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

Mutual Masturbation

What you and your girlfriend did as kids when you took a pledge to the church, and then told your pastor you've never had sex with each other. Cause technically you didn't.

When kim and david were on the bed at night watching TV, they got horny. But they remembered their pledges. So they just took of their pants and underwear and had mutual masturbation then told their pastor they've never had sex.

by Raw Doggy April 7, 2010

476πŸ‘ 248πŸ‘Ž

Randy Jackson

Gives THE BEST criticism, no doubt about that
*cough* ¬_¬ (Sarcasm, LOL)

How he was made a judge of American Idol (or how Ryan Seacrest is still hosting the show) I will never know. I mean it's a crappy show but hey, it has its rep you know?

*Singer sings lyrics to "Lonely Girl", messing up every high note*

Randy Jackson: Yo Dawg, that was tight. Perfect dawg, I mean dawg, that's the best singing I've ever heard, good job dawg.

*Crowd cheers*

Simon Cowell: Do you ever say anything constructive Randy?

*Randy starts to say something*

Simon: OK, well moving on. Look I feel your performance tonight was very... pathetic.

*Crowd starts booing*

Simon: If that is what people consider singing, I will gladly drop off the face of the Earth and start a modeling career.

Randy Jackson: Yo dawg, don't listen to him dawg. That was great singing dawg.

by Raw Doggy June 19, 2010

136πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Soulja boy

Some good beats were murdered by this "rapper". I hope his producer finds a better artist to rap to his beats.

But on to Soulja Boy himself. He has a speech impediment if you listen real close. That's not southern drawl you're hearing. He's in cahoots with Lil wayne to bring down Hip-Hop and once again prove nas that Hip-Hop is dead.

It's not his fault. He SHOULD go unnoticed, but again, not his fault. Blame the people who play his babbage ass music on the radio.

Soulja boy fanbitch: "Dul-dya byoy u in 'is o"

Me: "Huh? oh wait never mind, it's that speech impediment you're trying to copy"

by Raw Doggy April 10, 2010

90πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


1) Short for "Damn I look". Usually something is added to damela, such as good, fly, etc. Pronounced (Da-Meh-Luh).
It's a (wack) song by baby boy da prince though, I'm not sure, but Cassidy might have created the word.

2) Spanish word. Depending on how you use it, or what it's affiliated with, the definitions change.

1) Damela fly, Damela good, Damela better than my date look

2) Police chief to police officers: Damela (Bring her to me, bring her here, basically find her, bring her here)

by Raw Doggy April 6, 2010

54πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Fat joe

As a kid, his dad owned a McDonald's and his mom owned a burger king. He ate for free whenever he was hungry. When he got tired of mickie D's, he went to BK, and vice-versa.

Childhood obesity came and the doctors didn't give him too long to live. The make-a-wish foundation gave him his dream of being in the hip-hop industry before he would "die"... but that was like... 15 years ago? Proving his resolve, at the same time proving doctors wrong and he's not gonna soon stop rapping... oops I mean "Rapping".

One thing he never changed from his childhood: He starts his day in a fast food restaurant, ends it that way too, unless his dinner doesn't go down right, in which case, it ends on the crapper.

We love Fat Joe, well not his music, but him. And so we NEED to constantly tell him the two most important words... Jenny Craig... Fat joe, you need Slim Fast... and FAST

by Raw Doggy April 5, 2010

136πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž