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Some worthless dude who basically hates women but sucks them in to think otherwise. His answer to everything is "Sorry"...with a big whine!!!

Don't be fooled ladies. He is very deceptive and SUCH A BIG FLAKE!!!

Nice women get totally sucked in my these guys...
This guy TAKES THE CAKE!!!

Relationship starts off with all the chivalry-opening doors, opening car door, nice words, holding hands, hugs, lots of kisses-gets you hooked then BANG, for no reason, one day doesn't want to kiss you
GFriend-what's wrong here? Why don't you want to kiss me?
Him-Oh, I forgot to tell you, I really don't like kissing
GFriend - What??? Last week you couldn't get enough of me, WTF???
Him-SORRY, I made a mistake and shouldn't have done that-I really don't like kissing

This is the BEST ONE!

He hasn't called in 2 months-we broke up
Him-Hi how are things...etc, etc, etc, Then asks me about concert tickets to his favorite band that I bought tickets for
ex-Gfriend-thought you weren't coming so I invited someone else
ex-Gfriend-well what do you expect, I havn't hear from you in 2 months
Him-I've been busy
ex-Gfriend-tell you what - the other concert in October for the same band-you can come then-you just have to pay for your $75 ticket. If you ACTUALLY SHOW UP, then I'll buy dinner, if not, then I'll give your ticket to someone else and you lose the $$. Sound fair?
Him-Yes, that's fair

Haven't heard from him since...LOL...F'n DUMBASS FLAKE!!!...I knew he would disappear again!!! Good riddence...

by RawAngel July 28, 2010

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