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Julia is a out-going beautiful brownish black haired girl with a spunky personality. She makes a great best friend. She makes a guys life turn around in seconds. She always knows how to have a good time with her friends. People talk crap about her but she know who she is and she doesn't listen to them. Her friends back her up for anything she needs and she will do the same for her friends. She is just a overall loving, beautiful, amazing, cute, best friend a guy could ever have.

Julia, Loving, cute, best friend. amazing

by Rawrrawr22 July 7, 2011

741👍 171👎


Izzy is a loving girl that can be a bitch sometimes but is always down to earth! She always knows how to have a good time with friends. She is a very gorgeous girl. She isn't the most athletic girl but she is kick ass. She doesn't take shit from anyone mostly not her friends.


by Rawrrawr22 June 21, 2011

488👍 154👎