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put someone (you) on the map

To cause (eg. a town, an actor, a trend, etc.) to become well-known or important.
Thesaurus: establish, bring fame to, make famous, glorify, make (slang).

Examples: put someone (you) on the map

Girl: I don't want to "talk" to you any more, or be in a relationship with you!?!
Guy: Hold On?!?
Girl: What?!?
Guy: You Think You The Shit Cause Guys On You Now? But I Put You ON THE MAP!?! Nobody was even fucking with you. But hey do you.

Vice Verse

Guy: I been dealing with some things. Its me, not you.
Girl: You Think You, Bad Now? None of those females wanted you! You was bummy before I bought you clothes and let you use my car, got you a phone... etc. Non of those girls wanted anything to do with you!
Guy: Man, You Lost Your Mind.
Girl: I put you on the map. But hey do you.

by Real Sai August 5, 2013

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