person1: are you a jittleyang or a fuckletugan?
person2: i guess im a jittleyang
person1: you do NOT want to be a jittleyang
the word wordingtonian (pronounced worr ding tone ian) refers to a citizen of wordington (often thugalicious thugs)
person 1: i just got thugged
person 2: the person that thugged you is a true wordingtonian
guddu is the indian boy from lion that got hit by a train he is also exremely sexy
my name is guddu, i got hit by a train
a fuhulutunian is a man or woman that is better than jittleyangs in every way
im a jittleyang
im a fuhulutunian, so im better
oh so you're better than jittleyangs?
a nigga that gets mad bitches and is superior to a fuckletugan
are you a jittleyang or a fuckletugan???
im a jittleyang.
nooooo you're supiror to me nooooo
a esteemed indevidual that gets women
im a fuckletugan