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Frank R Acosta

Frank packs a 6.4 inch dick, a killer smile, gets all woman(but is able to be very loyal to one), and nonchalant. Frank does have very bad memory and always athletic. He’s very open hearted which can leave to his heart getting abused for doing so, Frank try’s his hardest to fit everybody in and make them feel welcomed. His energy is to die for, due to having such good energy almost 24/7 he has off days that are bad throughout the whole day. Frank can tell off of someones energy if they’re good or bad right away. If Frank dislikes someone just knows there’s a good reason since he’s so open hearted. Frank all in all is the best and is someone you don’t wanna lose.

Girl: Who is that I love him even tho we jus met.
Guy: That’s my friend Frank R Acosta he’s the best dont even have to know him to love him.

by Real one yknow it July 19, 2021