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Give me a well groomed kind, loving, fun, sexy, smart, strong, confident Metrosexual Man any day.

They are so heterosexual, they make rugby-playing boys look gay (all boys contact sport) they ooze testosterone, are incredible in the sack and I swear can read my mind (private orgasm just because of this), can dance well (full contact sport with many women), never cheat in a committed relationship, make unbelievably excellent providers, fathers and husbands, know how to make money and have chef skills to die for.

It's no wonder the average stinky joe feels threatened by them.

Heck! Girls, you'll be lucky if you find one, if you do, get him off the streets quick... before some other wise woman gets him first

Brad Pitt and that elk... are metrosexual

by RealisticWoman July 21, 2010

50👍 31👎