1. the inability to drink enough to get drunk;
2. the lack of willingness or inability to consume mass quantities of alcohol;
3. the state of nonlushness;
4. opposite of inebriate;
5. sober
I spent a completely "unebriated" New Years Eve.
I can't drink like I used to. I've become an "unebriate".
She's as "unebriate" as a judge.
He's an confirmed "unebriate".
Try as I might to become an alcoholic, I'm, sadly "unebriated".
1. Going at something full-bore
2. Excelling
3. Speed
1. Man, we got hit with a rush last night.. I was blazing aces behind the bar!
2. Did you see Adam Lambert on Idol last night? He was blazing aces on Mad World. Srsly.
3. I blazed aces on that test.