A country full load Insular racists who suffer from the delusion that 'oz' is a 'fair dinkum' place to live. Well known for cheating at cricket, treating the indigenous people disgracefully, accepting immigrants and then also treating them disgracefully, claiming other peoples cultural and artistic acheivements as their own and archaic sounding expressions like 'sheila' and 'cobber'. They possess a unique sense of humour that involves putting down and ridiculing other people, usually non Aussies. Well known for loving a 'barbie, a beer and a punch up'. As for the woman......don't even go there. To use the Australian vernacular, most of the ocker sheilas are as mad as a cut snake, always coming the raw prawn and never giving a bloke a fair crack of the whip.
Australia is a country that thinks it's great but isn't.
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