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a white woman that is racists, aware or not, and uses her status and power to keep POC down by calling the police, management because she knows she will get them in trouble and she will not be reprimanded.

She is self-serving and how dare a person beneath her tell her she can't have what she wants. She will do whatever she has to in order to stay atop her pedestal in a white patriarchal society and system where she is revered and protected by white men.

Karen called the manager because she couldn't get what she wants by demeaning and demanding the help who is beneath her.
Karen uses her body as a weapon against a black person by hitting herself and calling the cops and lying that the black person did it because she knows the cop will believe her.

by Reality chk March 24, 2021

11👍 5👎


White entitled privileged, middle-aged woman who is innately Racist and selfish, self-serving, narcissist that carries white tradition of White imperialism.

She pretends to be an upright righteous citizen amongst her white friends who can get her places.
When Karen was younger, she used her tears to manipulates White men to think she is the victim to go out and do her evil deed like get a black man Killed with her lies.
She looks like Ivanka Trump, entitled, Narcissist that white people idolize and white men think is hot when younger. As she gets older, fatter, married to white man, she complains to waiters and her hired help about everything because she will use her status and power to make people beneath her miserable.

As soon as other whites enter the room, she will put on a fake smile.

really only cares about 3 things -

Thank herself, her luxury and her image.

Karens are demanding and life revolves around her.

She will always think she’s a victim as she runs over an poor old colored lady in her new SUV. They lie to themselves so they could justify their evil deeds.

White men protects and shelters them. Karens have limited life experience, not had any real hardships.

Out of touch with reality but thinks their opinions matter and do not see others as human but as an object to get them to the next level of comfort.

White men not need to be crying over how he’s getting fucked in his divorce. He married a Karen! When a Karen don’t need you anymore, you will get fucked.

Don’t fuck with Karens. They will always burn you.

Telling a Karen ‘It’s not about you.’ will make them crazy mad.

Karens are narcissist that white men and media glorifies and many white girls aspire to be.

Gweneth Paltrow is a fucking Karen who thinks her shit is gold.

by Reality chk June 9, 2020

30👍 50👎