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Quiet Shitting

Variation of “quiet quitting” only the subject spends time in the bathroom instead of fulfilling work obligations.

Have you seen Alex?
Yeah he’s in the bathroom on YouTube quiet shitting.

by RedBathTub June 30, 2023


A portmanteau of the words, "Gnarly," and "Fart."

intr. v. (gnarted, gnarting, gnarts) To expel smelly or awful sounding farts.

n. A thunderous and or rank fart.

Prior to my Super Bowel I had a the worst gnarts.

Jeffs gnart cleared the living room.

by RedBathTub February 7, 2011

14👍 9👎


adjective; Describing something that is ridiculous and dope, or, ridiculously dope.

"Did you see the size of that burrito?"
"Yeah, it was ridopulous!"

by RedBathTub June 4, 2009

23👍 3👎