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A meal between lunch and dinner.

Dou you want to meet me for lunner tomorrow?

by Reday March 20, 2023


A person who texts you, follows you, wants to be with you all the time.

My ex girlfriend is a gumperson. She calls me everyday.

by Reday March 20, 2023


It refers to someone that is almost intelligent, or semi dumb.

That guy just crossed the wrong lane. He is an almogent.

by Reday March 20, 2023


A girl in her period who feels listless and exhausted.

Oh my God, she is like a zomgirl today.

by Reday March 20, 2023


A person who has not slept in a while and is very tired mentally and physically.

Everybody here is sleepxhausted.

by Reday March 20, 2023