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The act of being so fucking pissed off and ready to snap on anyone that even looks in your general direction and your body language is a death stare combined with over-emphasized sighs or grunts.

Tracey Pike......LOL

Person 1: Hey isn't that Tracey over there let's go say hi.
Person 2: Fuck that she's chapped.

by Reddragon187 April 6, 2019

Connor disorder

A child who gets everything they ever want and still shows no respect for their parents or adults in general. Expects money to be handed over whenever it's needed but still chooses to act like an asshole at all times. Swears like a drunken sailor and thinks that YouTube is the answer for everything.

Man, look how that kid talks to his mom, must be a case of Connor disorder.

by Reddragon187 January 21, 2019