Source Code

Nintendo DS

One of the newest and most overrated Hand-Held gaming system that targets the immature, little gamefreak. Usually the fans of this system try to prove the DS's supiorority to the PSP, which fails dramatically because of the PSP's capabilities and features. DS fan's make hypocritical insults about the PSP only because of it's ability of playing childish immature games *cough coughpokemoncough*...Many DS fans complain about the PSP only because of it's battery life, but its the features that really count.

.better battery life....
.Memory cards....
.3D Games....
.wireless capability with wireless chat....
.only used to play games....
.Less hacks than the Sony PSP....
.two screens (that proves that it IS for hardcore no-life gamers)

.WIFI built0in wireless system to connecto to other PSP's and wireless routers....
.Memory stick Duo
.LCD screen
.can connect to any computer with a USB cable....
.3D Games....
.Ability to surf the internet through the 2.0 firmware update....
.It is a hand-held device that is near a computer because it has it's own OPERATING SYSTEM.....
.Its ability to store Movies....
.Its ability to story Mp3's (.wav's too because of the 2.0 update)....
.Its ablility to store photos such as .JPG,.TIFF,.GIF,.PNG,.BMP files......
.Has a warranty of 1 year....
.It's ability to update the OS....
.Sony makes more products other than game systems....
.the PSP fans aren't that immature as DS fans are....

.6 hour battery life (but it will improve when sony developes a better battery in the next few months)....
.a LITTLE heavier than the DS (only weak people say that the PSP is too heavy, so this shouldn't be a con then. I put it here only because that the whiny ass DS fans would come bitchin about my definition if i didn't).....
.Dead pixels (Duh, its an LCD SCREEN dumbass DS fans....)
.unresponsible shitheads loose the memory card sometimes (if they have multiple memory sticks...

DS is very overrated and the hypocritical/immature fans just need to die, and many of them come up with illogical defenses to try to defend themselves from the wrath of the PSP kingdom (I don't know where that come from). face it, In logical terms the PSP is way better than the DS. so F*** off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Regie the Ramos July 26, 2005

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