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Andreas means "manly." However, it is highly likely that the bearer of this name does not possess that trait. An Andreas would likely have an upbeat personality. They often act like they are high on crack.

Despite this, Andreas is usually intelligent and possesses understanding. They are usually blunt and straightforward about their thoughts. They do not get along with people who rely on flattery and biases to get out of trouble. Andreas is very down to earth even with his upbeat personality. An Andreas would also initially find an "Alan" weird but would eventually become friends with them.

An Andreas would also be one of the first to watch films for memes and parodies. They also enjoy playing video games leisurely, and not to an obsessive level. An Andreas also likes to piss his friends off for reactions.

"Andreas, don't touch my water bottle with those crusty hands."

"Hi Andreas, are you watching a meme again?"

by Rekishi March 29, 2022



The name means "manly." However, it is highly likely that the bearer of this name is not as manly as their name. He is often energetic, and he may come off as being high on crack. Andreas is sociable and has many friends. His behavior is often unpredictable and he causes chaos. He is a good friend, but he can be crazy and will engage in a fight with his friend if they start one.

However, despite all his chaotic personality traits, he is also intelligent. It is likely that Andreas had a strict parent. The subjects he excels at will likely include math and geography. Andreas also shows a degree of time management skill (he is likely to wake up early to play video games before his parents find out). He is also understanding of others, but may be critical of them at times.

Andreas likes video games, memes, and sometimes annoying his friends. He is keen on jokes that refer to crack (likely because his personality is often hyped) and cursed images he shows his friends. He also draws images. He likes rickrolls and parodies from films.

Andreas is blunt and will not hesitate to call people out for being dishonest. He will also be blunt about his peers receiving bad grades or poor performance. Andreas also dislikes those who are obsessive or overly clingy, often avoiding them or acting cold. He also does not get along with those that depend on flattery and biases(especially towards teachers) to get out of trouble.

"Hi Andreas."

"Andreas, get your crusty hands off my water bottle!"

by Rekishi March 29, 2022