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Juggalos are <i>almost</i> people, just like prostitutes, strippers, or niggers.

Sub-human in look, intelligence, and hygiene, the juggalo finds itself at the absolute bottom rung of society, (having descended there by being rejected by every other social group in existence) with no apparent reason to exist other than to further pollute densely populated mobile home parks and to keep Hot Topic in business.

They coalesce into small incoherent and barely defined groups which could adequately be labeled as a "gang" if they could ever actually win a fight.

A juggalo could accurately be defined as a disease. Though not necessarily contagious, coming into direct contact with juggalos is hazardous to one's health and could result in a severe case of faggotry.

Juggalos are the mortal enemies of straight edge kids worldwide.

That juggalo is better off dead.

I got herpegonosyphalaids from touching a Juggalo.

by Renostyle February 7, 2008

232👍 212👎

straight edger

An incorrect laymen's term used to identify individuals who subscribe to the straight edge philosophy.

"Straight edger" is often used in place of the more correct identifier of "one who is straight edge".

The cacophonous term is akin to describing one with Christian beliefs as a "Christianer", one with Jewish beliefs as a "Jewer", one with Mormon beliefs as a "Mormoner".

Or one who uses the term as an "idioter".

Those straight edgers sure do get a bad rap! Handsome devils they are, and they smell of clean laundry too!

I'm sure glad those straight edgers beat up those Juggalos!

by Renostyle February 7, 2008

15👍 17👎