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The Playstation Portable, a great system.

The PSP is a handheld game system developed by Sony. It can display excelent graphics, and the 1. generation of PSP games looks as good as the 1. generation of PS2 games.

Many Nintendo fanboys criticises the PSP because it has PS2 ports, low battery life, and because of it's price. The DS, however, has rehashes and ports of Mario Games, which can be played on Nintendo 64 and GC with better graphics, it does not have support for GPS, or Eye-Toy, and it can not play movies, nor MP3s. The PSP is also much, much more powerfull than the DS, and uses 1.8 GB UMDs, the DS uses memory sticks on maximum 64 MB. All this makes it more reasonably priced than the DS. Many Nintendo fanboys ignores this, since they can't find any arguments against it.

The PSP has exclusive games within well known, and classic franchises, such as GTA: LCS, GTA: VCS, Daxter, Tekken: DR, etc.

The PSP vs. DS debate, is more or less stupid, like all the other fanboy wars.

by Reodor Felgen October 17, 2006

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