Source Code


Roman Bellic's favorite emoji.

Roman: Wanna go bowling? 🎳🎳🎳🎳🎳

by Retard_Ryan January 17, 2023


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by Retard_Ryan January 17, 2023




by Retard_Ryan November 1, 2022


It's apparently a music note.

Eat 𝆮 bitch!

by Retard_Ryan March 19, 2023

Fap crap

Leftover "stuff" from you fapping. You don't clean and it eventually dries up onto the floor/bed/whatever.

I gotta clean my bed. I've got so much fap crap on those sheets...

by Retard_Ryan March 9, 2023


It's a big ol music note.

𝄟 is big. It also has an 8 above it.

by Retard_Ryan March 19, 2023


The moon is showing off its new black ass to ya...

Luna: Hey baby, like what ya see 🌑?
Me: Hell no. What a slut!

by Retard_Ryan January 8, 2023