Source Code

Lip Slit

A cut to the lip that makes you bleed, usually a papercut.

Nothing is worse than a lip slit. All I've been tasting for the last 5 minutes is blood.

by Retard_Ryan February 13, 2023


A 2 door vehicle that is featured in gta San Andreas. It is a very common car that isn't that special really.


by Retard_Ryan March 6, 2023

how to make a cake

Something that google doesn't want you to look up. You have to look up cake recipes instead.

"Try words that may appear on the site that you're looking for. For example 'cake recipes' instead of 'how to make a cake'

by Retard_Ryan June 1, 2022


It's an ASCII pitchfork I guess.

Brandon: Don't make me stab you with my ᙐ---
Harry: Noooo don't

by Retard_Ryan March 19, 2023

🧑 🎤

I don't know what this emoji is.

I'm guessing it's supposed to be some kind of heavy metal singer...

Rock on my man! 🧑 🎤

by Retard_Ryan November 1, 2022


A song by a grunge/metal band The Adolescents. It's known for being on Grand Theft Auto V and for being extremely awesome.

Science teacher: Victor, tell me what an Amoeba is.
Victor: It's a song that is fucking amazing.
Science teacher: You're wrong, but you're also right.

by Retard_Ryan November 2, 2022

1👍 1👎


Believe it or not, it's a checkbox. I know. Crazy right?

1: ☑

2: ☑

3: ☒

4: ☑
5: ☑
Student: Ohh man question 3 was hard

by Retard_Ryan March 16, 2023